"Life Force Energy" - The Foundations


What is Kundalini Energy?


Kundalini energy, also known as chi, prana or source energy, refers to a potent and transformative life force energy believed to reside at the base of the spine, coiled like a serpent. The term "Kundalini" comes from the Sanskrit language, where "Kunda" means coiled, and "Kundal" means a serpent.

The activation and awakening of Kundalini energy leads to profound spiritual growth and higher states of consciousness. When this dormant energy is awakened and starts to ascend through the central channel of the spine, it traverses through various energy centers known as "chakras," each associated with different aspects of life and consciousness.

As the Kundalini rises, it purifies and balances the chakras, clearing blockages and releasing stored energy, emotions, and past experiences. This process is often described as an intense, transformative journey that brings about a deep sense of spiritual awakening, self-awareness, and inner evolution.

While the idea of Kundalini energy may seem esoteric and mystical, many people who have undergone this process report profound changes in their lives, including heightened intuition, expanded consciousness, and a greater sense of unity with all living beings.


What is Kundalini Energy?

Kundalini energy, also known as chi, prana or source energy, refers to a potent and transformative life force energy believed to reside at the base of the spine, coiled like a serpent. The term "Kundalini" comes from the Sanskrit language, where "Kunda" means coiled, and "Kundal" means a serpent.

The activation and awakening of Kundalini energy leads to profound spiritual growth and higher states of consciousness. When this dormant energy is awakened and starts to ascend through the central channel of the spine, it traverses through various energy centers known as "chakras," each associated with different aspects of life and consciousness.

As the Kundalini rises, it purifies and balances the chakras, clearing blockages and releasing stored energy, emotions, and past experiences. This process is often described as an intense, transformative journey that brings about a deep sense of spiritual awakening, self-awareness, and inner evolution.

While the idea of Kundalini energy may seem esoteric and mystical, many people who have undergone this process report profound changes in their lives, including heightened intuition, expanded consciousness, and a greater sense of unity with all living beings.

What is Life Force Energy Healing?

It is a direct life force energy transmission that initiates your own awakening process. It is a safe and natural journey of surrender, remembrance, and transformation. This powerful energy holds incredible intelligence, providing exactly what your system needs at the moment.

This process is different from Kundalini Yoga or Kundalini Breathwork which are more masculine approaches to ones Kundalini rising. Our session gently awakens ones own Kundalini Energy.

This inner journey manifests on multiple levels simultaneously, expressed through energetic sensations, visions, and spontaneous body movements. It leads to somatic and emotional releases, pure bliss, liberation, and a sense of oneness as higher stages of awareness and consciousness are accessed.

During this experience, your vibration is raised, your system is purified, stuck energies are released, and your energy centers are aligned. It clears energy pathways and can profoundly open new perceptions and trigger profound spiritual awakenings.

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